Thursday, September 20, 2018

Looking Back

I have been not so great about keeping this blog updated, probably because I maintain two other blogs -- one that is personal and not related to education and one that is for work, sharing items with my coworkers. But now that I am part of ISTE Blogging Buddies, I am going to blog here more, so look out :-)

It is interesting to go back and look at my previous posts, to see what had been important to me over the years, to see how my attitudes have evolved. I am so passionate about education. I love to write about it. I love to talk about it. I love to share it. A number of years ago, I used to be an adjunct at a local community college and I taught a class called Intro to Teaching. It was Education 101 and it was a ton of fun to teach! Of all the classes I got to adjunct, that one was my favorite!

That's why I'm excited to be in this Blogging Buddies group. I've got a group of fellow educators whose blogs I can read, and I've got people to read my thoughts, and it keeps me motivated to write.

So I guess I'm back in the blogging saddle! Stay tuned for more!


  1. I love the idea of "blogging buddies", getting feedback from peers, and encouragement to keep our blogs updated.

  2. I love your statement about looking back and seeing how your attitudes have evolved. Reflection is a powerful piece of on-going growth. Looking forward to hearing more!
